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Monday, August 30, 2010

Close encounters with majestic creatures of the deep!

There are many places you can go to have a close encounters with a shark, but that's an adrenalin rush that doesn't appeal to everyone. For a more tranquil experience, whale watching is the way to go and in South Africa one place famous for its whales immediately springs to mind - Hermanus.

Hermanus is a seaside town, about an hour and a half from Cape Town, that is graced by the presence of Southern Right Whales every year when they come to the warm and shallow waters along Hermanus' cliffs to mate and calf.  August to November is the best time to view these majestic creature of the deep and they can be observed from the cliff paths or from boats providing whale watching safaris.

The town hosts the Hermanus Whale Festival annually to encourage conservation of marine life and attract visitors in September - the whale watching high season and when the more temperate and sunny Spring weather draws us out of doors. Local artists also use the opportunity to add to the festive atmosphere, making it the only "enviro-arts" festival in the country. In 2009 the festival attracted 100 000 visitors.

For more information visit www.whalefestival.co.za or www.hermanus.co.za.

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