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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The world's most beautiful race - The Cape Argus

On the second Sunday of March every year, cyclists and spectators from all over South Africa and the world converge on Cape Town for the annual Cape Argus Cycle Tour. Now in its 34th year and taking place on Sunday the 13th of March 2011, the mild weather we have been having in Cape Town this week, promises to deliver a spectacular race again this year.

The 110km race starts and finishes in central Cape Town, with a route that takes you all over the Southern Peninsula - including Chapman's Peak and Suikerbossie, renowned for presenting a challenge to even the fittest cyclists. The beautiful Cape scenery makes for one of this race to be certainly the most beautiful race in the world. 

One of the three largest sporting events in the world, with over 31 000 cyclists taking part, it is the world's largest individually timed cycle race. In 2007 and 2008 it won "Event of the Year" and it is also the first event outside Europe to be included in the International Cycling Union's Golden Bike Series.

Whether you race as a serious competitor, just for fun, or for charity, the elation of completing such a challenging event is priceless. You may also come across some famous cyclists, such as Miguel Indurain, Jan Ulrich and Lance Armstrong, who makes time for this event as often as his schedule allows! 

If you are heading to Cape Town this weekend for the Argus and you're still looking for a place to stay, why not head on over to our website - www.bookaccommodationonline.com? We offer direct online booking services for numerous guesthouses, bed-and-breakfasts and other properties in Cape Town, right at your fingertips!

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