Welcome to the Accommodation Africa blog -
for activity ideas and discussions on tourism and travel in and around South Africa.

To book accommodation online, please visit our website: www.bookaccommodationonline.com

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The birth of a new star!

We are proud to announce the official launch of our brand new and improved website! The new site is more attractive and we have increased the functionality of listed accommodation properties as well as the Nightsbridge database. There is also an extensive section of information for tourists and travellers which we will continue to expand to help you choose your destination if you feel like roaming through this wonderful country of ours...

We would appreciate any feedback and suggestions, comments or constructive criticism. And to say thank you, for any ideas we use we will put a reward on the table! Comments can be posted here on our blog, on our Facebook page or alternatively, sent by e-mail to kirstein@bookaccommodationonline.com.

Thank you and enjoy!

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